Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bobbu on Poly

Dawn Davidson has quoted Matthew Bobbu as defining polyamory this way:
“I define polyamory as ‘the belief in and/or practice of multiple loving relationships, with the full knowledge and consent of those involved.’ I don’t define the sort of relationship anyone has to have, how they have to structure their relationships, what kind of sex they can have, or what sort of love need be involved. For me, to do otherwise will strengthen the cause of a vocal minority at the expense of the quieter majority, who may not even realise that we’re fighting for their freedoms too.
Much as Martin Luther King didn’t fight for black rights, he fought for racial equality; I don’t fight for poly rights, I fight for the freedom to participate in any consensual relationship one might wish to – with the exclusion of none.”
I really like this definition! I know and respect that it may differ from many other people's definition. That's okay. This works for me.
Also, I believe the meaning of the word changes with context. It is common in the English language, for a word to have more than one meaning and it's common for people to disagree on the definition of a word. Take, for example, the word "sex." As Bill Clinton made clear, folks still have not come to a universal consensus definition on what specifically is, and what is not, sex.
I am not going there, at least not now...