Wednesday, November 30, 2022: This morning I pulled The Moon. It’s said, “The Moon reveals what The High Priestess conceals.” The High Priestess takes us, takes the Fool, on a journey through life. The Moon comes later in the journey, the path of the journey leads into ourselves. It’s a walk through our shadow and our light. I believe we are both and hopefully we realize that they are the same. I believe if we seek for the answers outside of ourselves we will never find them. It’s not in our mind either. It’s much deeper than that. It is beyond reasoning. It is — I am…
As always when I speak of life, love and Tarot I speak only for myself.
The Moon is from The Modern Love Tarot, by Ethony
The “Beyond the mind, the heart beats” oracle card is from The Sacred Rebels Oracle, by Anna Fairchild