Today I pulled the Magician. The Magician is the first stop on the fool's journey. The way I read The Magician, this card introduces the fool to magical possibilities, the ability to cast intentions, shape your life, set a path on a spiritual plain and follow that path on a physical plain. This can be done through one's strength of will and intellect. The Magician teaches how through harmony and balance in one's life those plain's become one; as above, so below.
Recently I have found some old photos and journals from my past that have taken me back. I have gotten to know old versions of myself again. Some of what I found is good and fun to revisit and some is really not. I wish I could go back sometimes. I wish I could talk to old me. I wish I had taken the time then to know myself better, had set intentions — the now version of me has a lot to say to that then version. Also, there's the old photos of loves who have passed through the veil. So much was left unsaid. But, there's no going back.
I am invoking The Four of Cups. This card takes a hiatus. It re-evaluates the past in the present. Grief is the price of love lost. But, the past is the past.
The lesson is: reach out for the wonderful love of the present. Life is for the living. Take the gift of now-love and, yes, be thankful for the love you have had. That love is part of you but know that new love is more love. It's love that's here now that you can talk to, that you can hug and kiss. More love is more love.
This is life, here, now, breathe, live, love! And, be here now!
As always when I speak of life, love and Tarot I speak only for myself. This reading is part of my Divination/Manifestation Practice.The Magician is from The Modern Love Tarot, by Ethony
The 4 of Cups is from The Light Seers Tarot, by Chris-Anne