Saturday, January 22, 2022

Boundaries and Rules


Today I pulled the Seven of Wands. This is sometimes called the boundaries card. I think of boundaries as being something different than rules. But, they can go together. A boundary is something you impose on yourself. A rule is something you impose on others. I won't be with someone who smokes, is a boundary. You can't smoke if we are in a relationship, is a rule. If you have the previously mentioned boundary and your partner smokes you might leave the relationship. If you have the previously mentioned rule and your partner smokes you might throw a fit.
Because of Omicron, Susie and I have agreed (agreements are yet another thing) to set up a boundary between ourselves and everyone else in the world. We either have things delivered or put in our trunk with curbside pickup. We do not go into public venues or even grocery stores. The rest of the world can go to grocery stores, restaurants, theaters, concerts, see friends, have company or go on airplanes and such. We do not. Not at all.
Therefore, I am invoking the Hermit. Here we are, co-hermiting in our bubble of two. Yes, it's leveraging privilege. We know for many, many people hermiting is not an option. It is for us and given our health issues we feel it's for the best.
As always when I speak of life, love and Tarot I speak only for myself. This reading is part of my Divination/Manifestation Practice.

The Seven of Wands is from The Modern Love Tarot, by Ethony
The Hermit is from The Light Seers Tarot, by Chris-Anne

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