Friday, June 3, 2016

Primary Numbers

In my life I have known only a few people who, when I met them, they were so unique I truly was surprised. I am saying this as a 60 year-old who has met a lot of people. These unique people, I can't compare them to anybody else. I think the older you get, the more people you have met, the rarer this is. It's like the distribution of primary numbers. At my age they are like large primary numbers, very rare & notable when you find them.

Anna is one of those people. Meeting her was like living the words of the Lady Gaga Song, "I've never seen one like that before... You amaze me!" I fell into deep crush almost immediately, an experience totally unexpected. I am not looking to "meet" anyone. I wasn't looking to do anything that night but meet an author I admired.

Instead I was hit by lightening and the chemistry was mutual. I got a copy of her book and she made sure I had her business card. I was crushing over her body, her mind, her soul, over the very fact that she existed on my planet.

Did I mention Anna is tall? Years ago I dated a woman, Kelly, the tallest woman I had dated up to that point. Kelly is considered tall for a woman. Kelly is four inches shorter than Anna. Kelly's husband was not much taller than Kelly. Kelly said she liked going out with me and being able to have her hair up and wear heals. Kelly did not feel she could do that with her husband.

Anna looks me straight in the eye. Anna rocks being tall! She wears heals, big hair and tells the world you will take me as I am! Anna is a warrior! This warrior, I could immediately see, is also tender. This warrior has a wonderful heart. I love that in a woman. This warrior is a sweetie.

I left mesmerized.  Her book, an instant talisman, was in my hand. Let the online flirting begin, and did it ever, did it ever!

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