Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dating Cindy

When I think back on my dating years with Cindy I have few specific memories. It was not long after we started seeing each other that the fact that we were going to get married became a foregone conclusion. We dated for five months, but would have gotten married sooner if she had not been 17.

Cindy's step-dad was an Air Force officer. Cindy had base privileges and she and I would go to the Base Exchange together. Cindy’s mom worked for the military and we would go on base meet her for lunch.

At one point Cindy and I decided that I would join the Air Force and I took the exams to enlist. I did great on the electronics part, but had high blood pressure. I do not know why because I do not have it now. But, I flunked the physical.

I lived about 100 miles away from where Cindy did. I would drive up to to her town and stay for days. Sometimes I would sleep in my car near the railroad tracks, or in a field near where Cindy lived, or in the back yard of one of Cindy’s neighbors when they were gone on vacation.

That's when I met Mary, who would also be a great love of my life. Cindy and Mary would come by and bring me breakfast in the morning. Mary and Lenny were staying at Cindy and Lenny's mom's house. Mary was pregnant with her and Lenny's first child at the time.

When we had money I would get a motel room. That was great for sex and gave me a place to sleep. Cindy and I went to Planned Parenthood together. Cindy went on the pill. Neither of us wanted her to get pregnant before we married.

Mary and Lenny would hang out at a Denny’s until late at night. We would hang out with them or with one of Cindy's friends and her brother and friends. At that time of life, time seemed to pass slowly and seemed to be in abundant supply. None of us worked. It was an amazing summer.

We went away a few times. The trip to the coast as well as to Southern California where we mixed visiting Cindy’s sister and going to Disneyland with taking photos in the desert, where my car broke down. Somehow we managed to get by without working.

It was an endless summer. After Lenny and Mary got their cottage we moved into a spare room there. We smoked pot with Lenny, Mary didn’t smoke as she was pregnant. Summer passed. September came, Cindy turned 18 and the day we after her birthday we eloped and Mary had her first baby.

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