Sunday, October 26, 2014

And now a word for seniors

What a wonderful time it is to be alive! It's so exciting to see so many folks being able to come forward with different gender and/or relationship expressions. I know it's not easy still for many people. But, being able is an important concept, because there was a time when it was even more dangerous to do so than it is today.

Folks who were wired poly, in an ultra hetro-normative society, not only were shamed for the feelings they had by society, they self shamed. As a poly person, in an ultra hetro-normative pre-Internet society, the only options were usually repression or cheating. I am so glad that Polyamory is now a word and a rapidly expanding subculture. The challenge for many of us who discovered who we are later in life is how to respond.

We may be in long term relationships with mono partners made when that may have seemed the only option. Usually we have a history of repression, self shaming and/or cheating we have to reconcile with our now realized self identity. Now that we have a word for us, where do we go from here?

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