Friday, October 10, 2014

The kids

During the time of my poly relationships with both my inamorata Mary and my wife Cindy, and their relationships with other lovers, and other significant others, we all had kids. It was both complicated, and simplified, by the fact that Mary had once been married to Cindy’s brother Lenny.

It simplified things in that when Mary’s kids were really little their uncle coming to visit and spending a few days with their mom was no big deal to them. For our kids having their aunt Mary come visit and sleep with mom and dad was no different than having one of their little friends come visit and sleep over in their room.

Of course that started changing, as they got older.

The fact that Mary and Lenny were now divorced did make Mary and our relationship feel a bit less taboo. Even though Mary was not in anyway related to either Cindy or I biologically, when she was married to Lenny the relationship still felt a bit incestuous.

Our kids and Mary’s kids were, and are, cousins. That is a huge part of why this blog is anonymous. I love Mary deeply and profoundly and always will. I feel the same way about Cindy. That did not end when Cindy and Mary died.

Mary’s kids do not need to know both their uncle and aunt were their mother’s lovers or that their parents had an open marriage over 30 years ago when they were little. Neither do mine. Neither do the grandkids.

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