Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Death and Earth

Death and Life and Death and Life... this is like the breath of our Earth. Today, again, I pulled Death. Yesterday I spoke of impermanence, about how everything has a beginning, a middle and an end. This is true on both grand and small scales. As well as individuals, every nation, every civilization, every species — ultimately even every planet and every star has a beginning, a middle and an end.
We cannot change that fact but we can influence the timeline. We, as a species, can be good stewards or we can do things like ignore climate change and live in denial regarding our impact on our planet and let our Earth suffer. The truth is we need the Earth more than she needs us. We humans can prove to be a failed experiment and she can move on without us.
In recognition of that inconvenient truth I am invoking the Five of Pentacles, adversity in the realm of Earth.  As we wade through Covid, a disease we brought upon ourselves through our cruelty to animals and that we spread amongst ourselves through our carbon polluting transportation system, may we at least come to some realization of how we are hastening the demise of our civilization and our species. As I said, we need the Earth more than she needs us. It may take Earth millions of years to heal the wounds we have inflicted. But, she has plenty of time, we do not.
As always when I speak of life, love and Tarot I speak only for myself. This reading is part of my Divination/Manifestation Practice.

Death is from The Modern Love Tarot, by Ethony
The Five of Pentacles is from The Light Seers Tarot, by Chris Anne

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